IJA Board solicits your patronage for a Book Club and reorganization of the IJA library. The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. Let it be known that Allah loves those who seek knowledge." (Al Kafi, Part 2, Chapter 1, Hadith 1).
IJA plans to purchase books related to the list of subjects provided below. We would encourage you to send your comments and titles and authors of books of your choice. If you have books to donate to the IJA Library, your generosity is welcome (Fee Sabil Illah). Care shall be taken that the books are oriented towards both youth and adults.
Islamic Traditions and Sources
Ilm e Kalaam (Islamic Theology)
Islamic Philosophy
Islamic Ethics
Islam and Modernism
Islam and Modern Politics
In order to encourage, critical thinking among our community members, an establishment of a Book Club is in order. The goal of the Book Club is to select a topic and discuss the topic in a forum with a Maulana Saheb as the moderator. It shall be made sure the resources for the topics are available online. Example of topics are:
Quranic exegesis in the contemporary world
The Prophet’s social revolution in the 7th century Arabia
Imam Ali’s discourse about metaphysics in Nahjul Balagha
The Medina School of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and its influence on the Golden Age of Islam
Influence of Islamic philosophy and science on the Western Civilization
Causes of degeneration of Muslim civilization
Muslim response to modernization
Impact of Sayyid Qutb’s liberation theology on Sunni extremism
Impact of Ali Shariati’s liberation theology on Iranian revolution
Ayatollah Khomeini’s impact on world politics
Literalist hermeneutics of the Wahhabi school of thought
For the Book Club and the order of Library books or for your purchase, please contact:
Brother Syed Mehdi Ashraf
Chairman, IJA Library Committee
E-mail: mehdiashraf@msn.com
Phone: (954) – 918 - 0781