Jamaadi’ al Thaani 1435

Announcements & Events

Salaam Alaikum,
The moon for the month of Jamaadi’ al Thaani is expected to be seen on Monday March 31st, 2014, therefore the 1st of Jamaadi’ al Thaani is expected to be Tuesday, April 1st, 2014.

Important Dates of the Month:

·       3rd (April 2nd) - Wafat of Bibi Fatima (AS)

·       20th (April 19th) - Wiladat of Bibi Fatima (AS)

The 2014 Membership fees are DUE. Last day to pay is Dec 31, 2014.

Please see the treasurer, Br. Mohammad Iqbal, in regards to this.

Announcements and Updates

  • IJA encourages everyone that is interested in sponsoring that on regular Thursday programs, the cost will be under $200 for total sponsorship (excluding big nights like Wiladat’s or Shahadat’s)
  • The ladies committee chairman, Br. Shahid Rizvi, would like to inform all the ladies that the annual meeting for the ladies interested in working in the committees will be after the 13th Rajab program  (app. May 12th)
  • The IJA is offering 3 scholarship awards for 3 students (one each: Elementary School, Middle School & High School). There are some rules and criteria for the scholarships and the last date to submit to be eligible is: July 11th, 2014. Scholarships will be awarded on Eid-e-Ghadeer 2014.
  • IJA will be offering an “SAT Training Program” starting April 13th, 2014 on Sundays after Madressah from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

All Thursday Programs will start at 8:00PM with the following:

  • 8:00PM Salaat
  • 8:30PM Dua-e-Kumail / Sura-e-Yaseen
  • 9:00PM English Lecture
  • 9:30PM Urdu Lecture
  • 10:00PM Niaz

We kindly request that members please attend on time to end the program on time at 10:00pm.

Please help sponsor these events by contacting:

Br. Shahid H. Rizvi at 305-556-0336 / 786-479-9369