Salaam Alaikum,
The moon for the month of Jamaadi’ Ula was seen on Thursday, February 19th, 2015
, therefore the 1st of Jamaadi’ Ula is Friday, February 20th, 2015.
Important Dates of the Month:
5th (March 23rd) - Wiladat of Bibi Zainab (AS) (IJA celebrating on March 26th)
Noorun will be on Friday, March 20th, 2015 at 6:45:11 PM
The 2015 Membership fees are DUE. Last day to pay is Dec 31, 2015. Please see the treasurer, Br. Mohammad Iqbal, in regards to this.
IJA encourages everyone that is interested in sponsoring that on regular Thursday programs, the cost will be under $200 for total sponsorship (excluding big nights like Wiladat’s or Shahadat’s)
H&R Block has linked with IJA, so if you do your taxes with them, IJA will receive a small dollar amount back for each person’s tax filed. For more information contact Sr. Zia Parpia at 305-495-9659 or Sr. Seyyida Jaffer at 954-560-7409.
New IJA Executive Committee and Members Announcement
- The Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday, January 31st, 2015 and a new board was elected. Please see the 14 board members and their respective committees below. Thank you to all that attended.
Executive Committee:
President: Br. S. Jamil H. Rizvi
Vice President: Dr. Afzal Khan
Treasurer: Br. Mohammed Iqbal
Secretary: Br. Raza Rizvi
Committee Chairman/Co-Chairman:
Madressah(IJEC): Br. Muhammad H. Hussain
Burial: Br. Kamber Shamji
Youth: Br. Muhammad H. Hussain
A'alim : Br. Raza Rizvi
Niaz/Nazaar: Br. Shabbir Hussain
Maintainence: Br. Mohamed Jaffer
Medical Affairs: Br. Ali Jaffer
Cemetery: Dr. Afzal Khan
Aza Khana: Br. Jawaid H. Rizvi
Fundraising: Br. Ali Barakat
Library: Br. Mohamed Jaffer
Zainiabia: Br. Mazahir Ali
Ladies Committee: Br. Shahid H. Rizvi
Public Relations & Community Outreach: Br. Mazahir Ali