Salaam Alaikum,
The moon for the month of Jamaadi’ ul Ula was seen on Sunday March 2nd, 2014 , therefore the 1st of Jamaadi’ ul Ula is Monday, March 3rd, 2014.
Important Dates of the Month:
· 5th (Feb 8th) - Wiladat of Bibi Zainab (AS)
The 2014 Membership fees are DUE. Last day to pay is Dec 31, 2014.
Please see the treasurer, Br. Mohammad Iqbal, in regards to this.
Announcements and Updates
- IJA encourages everyone that is interested in sponsoring that on regular Thursday programs, the cost will be under $200 for total sponsorship (excluding big nights like Wiladat’s or Shahadat’s)
- The ladies committee chairman, Br. Shahid Rizvi, would like to inform all the ladies that the annual meeting for the ladies interested in working in the committees will be after the 13th Rajab program (app. May 12th)
New IJA Executive Committee and Members Announcement
The Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday, January 25th, 2014 and a new board was elected. Please see the 14 board members and their respective committees below. Thank you to all that attended.
Executive Committee:
President: Br. S. Jamil H. Rizvi
Vice President: Dr. Afzal Khan
Treasurer: Br. Mohammed Iqbal
Secretary: Br. Raza Rizvi
Committee Chairman/Co-Chairman:
- Madressah(IJEC): Br. Mohammad Tabibi
- Burial: Br. Kamber Shamji
- Youth: Br. Muhammad H. Hussain
- A'alim : Br. Raza Rizvi
- Niaz/Nazaar: Br. Shahid H. Rizvi
- Maintainence: Br. Liaquat Ali
- Medical Affairs: Br. Ali Jaffer
- Cemetery: Dr. Afzal Khan
- Aza Khana: Br. Jawaid H. Rizvi
- Fundraising: Br. Ali Barakat
- Library: Br. Syed Mehdi Ashraf
- Zainiabia: Br. Liaquat Ali
- Ladies Committee: Br. Shahid H. Rizvi
- Public Relations & Community Outreach: Sr. Irma Khoja
All Thursday Programs will start at 7:30PM with the following:
- 7:30PM Salaat
- 8:00PM Dua-e-Kumail / Sura-e-Yaseen
- 8:30PM English Lecture
- 9:00PM Urdu Lecture
- 9:30PM Niaz
We kindly request that members please attend on time to end the program on time at 9:30pm.