Salaam Alaikum
The moon for the month of Safar is expected to be seen Sunday November 24th, 2014, therefore Monday, November 25th, 2014, is expected to be the 1st of Safar. Amaals and Duas for the month of Safar can be found at the following website:
As per IJA Constitutional requirement, this notice is to advise the next IJA Annual General Body Meeting will be held on Saturday at February 7th, 2015 at 7:30PM. All members are required to attend to satisfy quorum laws. Please make note of the date. For constitutional amendments and recommendations, please submit, send details of your request via email to:
Please keep in mind that in order to submit amendments or run/vote in the elections, you must submit your IJA membership fees by Wednesday, December 31st, 2014. No exceptions will be made in paying dues.
We will have a security pre-caution as to screening people that come in during Muharram and also screening of the Niaz, for safety purposes only.
All the Food/Niaz has to be distributed first to everyone and if there are any left overs, then it can be taken by the people, but NOT before or during when the food is still being given out.
For the Shab of 2nd and 3rd Safar, the Urdu Majlis will be addressed by Maulana Asghar Mehdi from Canada (Originally from India). For the Shahadat of Bibi Sakina (AS) (10th to 12th Safar) the English Majlis will be addressed by Br. Hussain AL-Nashed of London and Urdu Majlis will be addressed by Maulana Syed Zameerul Hasan Rizvi.
For the Majlis-e-Arbaeen & Chehlum of Imam Hussain (AS) (18th to 21st Safar) the English and Urdu Majlis will be addressed by Maulana Abul Qasim Rizvi of Australia. For the Wafat of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) & Shahadat of Imam Hasan (AS) (27th to 29th Safar) the English Majlis will be addressed by Sheikh Jaleel of Maryland and Urdu Majlis will be addressed by Maulana Irteza Naqvi of Dallas.
Majlis at Residences:
Br. Riaz Jafri’s residence on Saturday, December 6th, 2014 at 1:00pm. Address: 17240 Northway Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33496. For more information call: (561) 756-5987.
Br. Ishaq Hussain’s residence on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 at 1:30pm. Address: 13975 N.W. 22nd Court, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028. For more information call: (954) 549-4164.
Br. Ameer Ali’s residence on Sunday, Sunday December 14th, 2014 at 1:00pm. For more information call: (954) 744-4972. Address: 1902 N.W. 137th Terrace, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028.
Dr. Baqer Syed’s residence on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 at 1:00pm. For more information call: (561) 685-2351 & (561) 776-0010. Address: 2830 Old Cypress North, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.
December 27th, 2014 on Saturday at Br. Hasan Rizvi’s residence at 2:00pm. For more information call: (954) 261-7206. Address: 1620 N.W. 114th Terrace, Plantation, FL 33323.
Ladies Majlises at IJA:
For the Shahadat of Bibi Sakina (AS) there will be one majlis on: Saturday November 29th, 2014 at IJA at 2:00pm SHARP. Taboot will be brought out on Saturday November 29th, 2014.
December 20th, 2014 at 12:30pm SHARP. Amaal of Imam Raza (AS). For more information call: Sr. Mumtaz Hussain at (305) 606-7288 or Sr. Deeba Taqi at (305)388-1453.
December 21st, 2014 at 1:30pm ladies Majlis. For more information call: Sr. Mumtaz Hussain at (305) 606-7288 or Sr. Deeba Taqi at (305)388-1453.
Ladies Majlises at Residences:
November 30th, 2014 (Sunday) at Sr. Kiran Naqvi’s residence at 2:00pm SHARP. Address: 11195 S.W. 90th Avenue, Miami, FL 33176. Guest
December 7th, 2014 (Sunday) at Sr. Mussarat Zaidi’s residence at 2:00pm SHARP. For more information call: (954) 740-0947. Address: 1456 Sandpiper Circle, Weston, FL 33327.
3rd Annual Shab-e-Dari at IJA on Saturday, December 6th, 2014:
IJA will be hosting their 3rd annual Shab-e-Dari at IJA on Saturday, December 6th, 2014. The program will start at 7:30pm and will be an all-night extended program. We will have the following Nauha reciters:
Ahsan Naqvi of New Jersey
Ali Raza Rizvi (son of late Sachay Bhai) of Maryland
Farzad Moosvi of Maryland
Mukhtar Hussain Fatehpuri of Pakistan
Asif Ali of Pakistan
Syed Adnan Rizvi of Dallas
Ali Kazmi of Florida
Reciters from Orlando Jamaat
Safar Programs will start at 7:30PM with the following:
7:30PM – 8:00PM Salaat & Tilawat-e-Quran
8:00PM – 8:45PM English Majlis
8:45PM – 9:00PM Marsiya/Soz
9:00PM – 10:00PM Urdu Majlis
10:00PM – 10:20PM Nauha
10:20PM Niaz