Zil Hajj 1435

Announcements & Events

Salaam Alaikum, The moon for the month of Zil Hajj was seen on Wednesday September 24th, 2014, therefore the 1st of Zil Hajj was on Thursday September 25th, 2014.

Important Dates of the Month: • 7th (Oct 2nd) – Shahadat of 5th Imam Baqar (AS) • 10th (Oct 5th) – Eid-ul-Azha • 14th (Oct 9th) – Wiladat of 10th Imam Ali-un-Naqi (AS) • 17th (Oct 12th) – Eid-e-Ghadeer • 21st (Oct 16th) – Shahadat of Sons of Hazrat Muslim (AS) • 23rd (Oct 18th) – Eid-e-Mubahila

The 2014 Membership fees are DUE. Please see the treasurer, Br. Mohammad Iqbal, in regards to this. Announcements and Updates • IJA encourages everyone that is interested in sponsoring that on regular Thursday programs, the cost will be under $200 for total sponsorship (excluding big nights like Wiladat’s or Shahadat’s)

• Eid-ul-Azha morning prayer program will start at 8:45am on Sunday October 5th, 2014 at IJA.

• IJA has set up a picnic on Sunday, October 19th, 2014 at C.B. Smith Park in the “Meeting Cabin”. Please make note in your calendars. Costs are: $20/Family, $10/Couple & $5/Single.

• IJA has managed an effort to help those in Kashmir & Pakistan after all the disasters they have had. We are taking donations, which can be done directly online at: www.ijamiami.org and also to our treasurer Br. Mohammad Iqbal.

• “Race for the cure” will be at Bayfront Park, Downtown Miami on Saturday October 18, 2014 at 8:50am. Ladies, please wear a pink hijab to the event. For more information, contact Sr. Seyyida Jaffer at 954–560–7409 and register online at: www.KomenMiaFtl.org (See Flyer)

• All the Food/Niaz has to be distributed first to everyone and if there are any left overs, then it can be taken by the people, but NOT before or during when the food is still being given out.

All Thursday Programs will start at 8:00PM with the following: • 8:00PM Salaat
• 8:30PM Dua-e-Kumail / Sura-e-Yaseen • 9:00PM English Lecture • 9:30PM Urdu Lecture • 10:00PM Niaz

We kindly request that members please attend on time to end the program on time at 10:00pm.
Please help sponsor these events by contacting: Br. Shahid Rizvi at 786–479–9369/305–556–0336

    * The Zil Hajj Dates are in Shab
